Easter Around the House

Five fun ways to enjoy Easter festivities at home. From crafting to egg hunting, there is so much fun to be had during this holiday! Check out these fun things to do at home during the Easter Season.

Make an Easter Egg Tree

This tradition originated in Europe but has become more popular in other countries throughout the years. Choose a tree in the front or backyard and hang decorative eggs like ornaments on a Christmas tree. Enlist your kids to help you and you will be the envy of the neighborhood.

“Egg” the Neighbors

You’ve been Egged! This is a fun Easter tradition, to spread fun and cheer throughout the neighborhood. Hide a few plastic eggs in your neighbor’s yard, and you can put a variety of items in them, such as small candy, coins, and stickers. Leave a note on their porch that says they’ve been “Egged” so they know to go hunt for them.

Backyard Easter Egg Hunt

If you have a backyard, or a field available, you can easily set up your own Easter egg hunt! Give each member of the family their own color egg, and create memories with a DIY Easter egg hunt! In addition to candy you can put coins in the eggs and have the kids count the change for a simple math lesson and some e-learning fun.

Sidewalk Chalk

A growing trend has been writing encouraging messages and drawing on the sidewalk! This week, spend some time outside decorating your sidewalk for Easter. You could use puffy paint, sidewalk chalk, or even washable finger paints. Get creative and maybe even a little messy with this activity.

Make Homemade Bunny Ears

Crafting is a great way to spend time together this Easter. Bunny Ears are a simple yet fun craft to make with your kids. They make the perfect accessories for a photo op or a Bunny Hop Race. Here is a quick tutorial on how to make your own ears at home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWEo-SDgPlE.



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